💜 Mohiri 💜 The Lewd Succubus ~
💜Again LOTS of love to my friend BlurryVision#3636 💜
💜IF you ever need any Unity work come and check Blurry out plz !! 💜
💜ONE THING before you buy her PLZ make sure to check my Toggle showcase. Her Fuzz around her neck is quiet big. If you lay down it MIGHT get into your vision. You would need to toggle it off once you lay down or if you dont like stuff close to your face. This is how i whant the Fuzz to look like plz do NOT buy her if that really bothers you ~ Thank you so much for understanding <3 and for checking out my Shop 💜 She has a second version were the fuzz moves with the neck
💜 Stats
Normal Version
SB Version ( SleightlyBall System )
SB and CC (SleightlyBall System (FireBalls) and Carbon Copy)
💜 The more you add such as CC and SB the more Materials it will be 💜
💜 Toggle
- Fuzzy Neckpeace
- Tail and Wings
- Bodysuit (lewd mode)
- Wax + MP3 Player mhmm yes
- Shoes
- Pole + Heart Seat
- Pants
- Accessories
- Horns
- Leash (You can pull it a bit)
- Glasses (Normal , Front and UP)
- SleightlyBall System (FireBalls) and Carbon Copy
- Complrete Dissolve ~ With Heart mode (Toggle) You will become a flying heart with pink smoke ~ You can controle the heart by using Fist and Open Hand gestures ~ Will be shown in the Toggle Video
- Grab Melons > Lewd Face, Touch da Meow > Happy Face with Heart Particle , Head > Slightly grumpy (she dont wanna have head touchys no)
💜 You need + You will get
💜You will need:
- 2019 Unity ( I reccomend unity HUB~ you are allowed to swapp there between 2019 + and 2018 versions)
- never import 2019 unity models into 2018
- DPS by Raliv
💜You will get:
- VRSDK3 (Given) + Shaders (Given)+ Mohiri (3 Versions)
- You will get following 3 Prefabs in ONE Unity Projact > SB- Sleightly Ball / CC- Carbon Copy + Normal Version + All in one
💜Make sure to buy the asset form the original creator and support them!💜
If you have questions you are always welcome to text me~ make sure to read my READ ME first and than text me.
- You are NOT ALLOWED to share this package with ANYONE! It has from scratch assets in it-not with friends or girlfriend/boyfriend
- If you wanna gift someone this model use either Gumroad Gift option or text me via Dms ❄Icy#8192
- Going against my TOS will end up in getting blacklistet + i will take legal actions against you.
- You are not allowed to recreate the model
- Do not claim my work as yours
- Do not Edit/change my work and than claim as yours (personal edits do not count under this as long as you dont claim my work as yours and/or resell it EXAMPLE: You can change everything you like to change! But if someone ask you. Hey were did you get her from? You can say: The base model is by Icy and i did my own version of her.)
- Base, Head and some other parts of the model NEED to be bought to be ALLOWED to reuse it! (Do not take my edits)
- Do not reuse any of my edits
- Do not take any assets of off this model! Support the original creator !
- You can use my model for streaming if you DONT claim the model as your own. When asked you need to provide the link of my gumroad or my discord so ppl can find my work. If you dont follow the rules you wont be allowed to use it.
- If you did not type in your Discord and VRC Name than you wont be allowed to use this model (You can always text me if something happend or name changes came up)
- Spiked Accessories Pack (not available anymore) and (FREE) Moon Belly Piercing by berryvee#0697
- "Down to Business" Heels and "Gentle touch" Hand Accessory by Renipuff#3700
- Base and Head (head edit made for me by Eggly69#6969 NO REUSE) by Sugs#9795
- Lewd MP3 Player by Milky Mommy#6969
- Babydoll Set by Miriaaam#7537
- Male Suit Outfit (used the pants) by Xelyo#0066
- Chloes Braids
- Hair Textures - 75 colors!(FREE) by WetCat#6969
- SUCCU PACKAGE DEAL (usd wings, Tail and Claws) by Deimos#6533
- Aviators (glasses) by Brooklyn#1971
- VRLabs Marker
- DPS by Raliv
- Carbon Copy and FireBalls by Dreadrith#3238
- SleightlyBall System by JustSleightly#0001
- Free Eye Texture Pack by kri#1214
- ༺Horns Lilim by Usagiri༻ (Free) and . ・ Pluffy Horns ・ . (Free) by usagiri#8851
- Wax by Tori-nyan
- Breath Particle by Raivo#3447
- Heart Particle
- Fuzzy Neckpeace, Pole, Chains on Horns, Leash at the Bodysuit back and Crystal Heart + all texture work for clothing and body tattoos made by ❄Icy#8192 me. NO reuse allowed
💜 ♡Thank you so much for the support♡ 💜
💜♡if i im missing any credits plz let me know ♡ 💜
Any Questions? OR any Credits missing? PLZ DM ME ❄Icy#8192 💜
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VRSDK3 + Shader + Mohiri The Lewd Succubus ~
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